Order to CashNEP Cloud has the solution you need to fulfil both your business and customer needs
NEP Cloud Order to Cash functionality makes it easy for you to collect cash and for your customers to pay - both at the time of delivery and on receipt of an invoice – it’s as simple as that.
Cash flow is crucial to any organisation and we offer the latesttechnologies in receivables and collections activities providing:
Cash flow is crucial to any organisation and we offer the latest technologies in receivables and collections activities providing:
- User intuitive remote access for non-finance staff raising invoices
- Customer debt status reports
- The latest e-document distribution options;
- 24 hour online and telephone solutions for taking payments
- A Collections module for managing customers and contacts with built-in debt collection task reminders
- Mobile e-payment facilities for taking payment at source of delivery
- Scheduled automated dunning and statement e- distribution facilities
- Automated bank reconciliation and cash flow management solutions
NEP Cloud has the solution you need to fulfil your business needs and those of your customer base.

One thing we are all aware of:
The NHS Customer Base and associated debt is wide ranging; from multiple adhoc small amounts with one-off customers, to large, regular charges to public and private sector organisations, not forgetting overseas visitors with temporary and changeable addresses, here and abroad, and intercompany debt for organisations with multiple subsidiaries.
Due to the complexity, we know that Customer Base recovery of debt can be difficult, especially when local manual procedures have been developed to mitigate unsupportive locally developed solutions.
The NEP Cloud Solution
Here at NEP we truly understand the demands placed on each Organisation for information and results, from both internal and external stakeholders; which is why NEP Cloud has developed the NEP Cloud solution to enable your finance team to spend less time inputting and more time on value added proactive tasks.
Once a transaction reaches the stage of being a debt, the Advanced Collections module enables maintenance of customers, contacts, management of collectors and the assignment of tasks with inbuilt reminder notifications.
The NEP Cloud Solution
We have a dedicated Order to Cash support team who have in-depth knowledge and considerable experience working within the NHS. We continue to work collaboratively with all our NEP Consortium members to ensure we adopt and implement best practice to ensure we have the right solution, to fulfil the ever-changing demands placed upon you.
Our current client base incorporates over 500 end users in Order to Cash functions, with over 18,000 transactions being interfaced remotely each year, created by non-finance staff, and an additional 140,000 being interfaced electronically by Accounts Receivable teams.
Stronger Together
Our Consortium hosts a specific Order to Cash Networking forum, which facilitates collaboration, shared knowledge and provides an opportunity to discuss the each Organisations development Road Map. This ensures all our members are well informed of the latest enhancements and development activities, more importantly facilitates support and best practice from other members sharing ideas as we go.
The NEP Cloud team supports you from day one of the project initiation through to the day-to-day business operations.
A comprehensive training package is available for each Order to Cash module, which is fully supported by access to the NEP Knowledge Base which provides a portfolio of in depth and current user guides, manuals, webinars and enhancement details. Along with a full Customer Service Support provision that puts you directly in touch with one of the NEP Cloud Team – who are based at our head office in Stokesley, North Yorkshire.
The use of an NEP Cloud test instance is also always available to enable you test and practice any process, so everyone has an opportunity and have the confidence to use the NEP Cloud solution to its full potential, incorporating assurance which benefits everyone.
What are the benefits?
NEP is committed to providing automation and digitalisation of your internal processes, and offers standardisation within the Order to Cash function. This has included;
- Reducing the number of invoices
- Saving you time raising invoices
- Automating the tasks for Debt Collection and Cash Management
- Reduces debt
- On-line requisition portal
- Supports digitalisation of O2C
By pushing all transactions through the NEP Cloud solution this provides more auditability and security, and enables each NEP Consortium Organisation to reinvest staff time from manual input tasks to more value-added processes and tasks.
The NEP Cloud team also work closely with each NEP Consortium Organisation to understand their customer base, as we understand that no two NHS Organisations are the same and NEP Cloud offers the flexibility required to deal with all your needs.
Over £630m AR Invoices raised per month within NEP Cloud

21K AR transactions are processed per month
For one Organisation embracing Peppol are processing over 2K AR Peppol Transactions per month

If you are experiencing poor debt collection, substantial manual processes or a lack of auditability in your current solution, you are missing out on income that you are genuinely owed.
By becoming part of the NEP Cloud family, you are safeguarding that all work undertaken throughout Order to Cash business is recouped, through auditable, digital processes that ensure your Organisation can reinvest all generated income back into patient care.
Be part of NEP, be part of our Consortium, be part of the solution.
We are here for you.
Shared Knowledge.
Collective Strength.
Stronger Together.