NEP P2PWith over 35,000 system users, NEP Cloud have developed and streamlined processes, specifically with NHS front line staff in mind.
Our Purchase to Pay solution delivers full automated End to End process utilising the digital import of Invoices supporting local and national directives with a drive to remove waste and develop paperless best practice.
For those who have yet to implement an automated and integrated P2P solution know how reliant they are on people, paper and manual processing.
These inefficient processes carry a risk and have the capability to seriously impact
- The ability to accurately forecast spend
- Making payments to Suppliers
- Your business development and progress can be incredibly hindered
- Set budgets and analyse past trends
- Cause delays in receiving essential goods and services

Cloud Solution
Our solutions are tried, tested and intuitive, meaning roll out and utilisation is achieved swiftly with minimal training requirements.
“We are working with NEP, who have been supporting us in the Spend Comparison Service with AP and PO data loading into our Commercial Data Warehouse. Our project goal is to provide a single source of truth for procurement teams in the country, enabling them to analyse national data robustly-and in great detail- without local and regional limitations. NEP have been instrumental in the project as they cover a large section of procurement spend and they can provide access to the spend data that they manage."
"The procurement team have been proactive in developing a working solution that we can use and merge with the data we use from other providers in the country. The best features of the NEP solution are the quick turnaround time - data is showing within a day - and the robust data quality; thanks for the cloud solution they use there is no manual process in the data extraction and we get instant access to the data we need.”
Levente Fazekas
Spend Analytics & Data Standards Lead
NHS England/NHS Improvement

What are the benefits?
We understand the importance data has on the efficiency of our P2P processes, by providing flexible catalogue management solution to suit your needs. Efficient and accurate data at the source removes the need for intervention before payment and reducing holds.
NEP Cloud are pioneers in the implementation of e-Transactions via the Peppol four corner approach and has a growing portfolio of over 450 approved suppliers, trading completely electronically, which fully supports the NHS eProcurement and the digitalisation of the NHS strategies, but also means that you;
- Save Time, by receiving invoices directly into the solution, automating the full process.
- Increase Productivity, by releasing staff to pursue more value-added activities.
- Increase Accuracy, by reducing data input errors.
- Reduce Risk, by removing the opportunity for fraudulent transactions to be manually entered into the system.
Julie Trotter
Head of P2P and Operations NHS Foundation Trust
“In less than a year of joining NEP, we are proud to have achieved 97% of all requisition lines to be automated and raised by end user requisitioners.
During Covid19, we have seamlessly rolled out end user requisitioning to almost 100% of staff. Prior to the Organisation’s transition to NEP Cloud, end user requisitioning was limited to a handful of users.
The enabler for this successful rollout project has been our move to NEP and implementation of Self-Service Procurement.
Additionally, another success story for our Organisation is that as part of the NEP Consortium we can maximise the use of Peppol and GS1 compliance.”
NEP is unique in that there is no other solution on the market that can provide you with the added benefits and services that come with the NEP Cloud solution.
By joining NEP, you would automatically become a valued member of the NEP Consortium – taking advantage of our huge community of NHS colleagues who actively network with each other, both through formal forums and directly. We are listening.
Leave your old solution behind, and take the first step in being ahead of the curve. Join likeminded people in embracing what you have by improving productivity, accuracy and compliance in your P2P process.
All our members contribute by offering their own unique experience and expertise. By not joining NEP Cloud and the wider NEP Consortium, ask yourself this: ‘am I missing out on the opportunity to utilise world class technology, to increase productivity and to work with some incredibly talented NHS Colleagues within and across the NEP Consortium?’
Over 200k Payment transactions are processed through our integrated NEP Cloud Solution every month

65K individual Purchase Orders are produced in one month on NEP Cloud electronically.
Around £1bn value of payments are processed each month in NEP Cloud
Per Month
Join NEP Cloud to make the first step towards leaving manual, paper based processes firmly in the past.
NEP Cloud will enable you to enhance and enrich your Purchase to Pay processes by improving productivity, accuracy and compliance, as well as providing your whole organisation the opportunity to grow through further collaboration and networking with NEP NHS Organisations all over the country.
Choose collaboration, choose compliance; choose NEP Cloud
Shared Knowledge.
Collective Strength.
Stronger Together.